A pair of identical twin brothers, the two are often found side by side, dressed to impress with auburn colored hair, matching pearlescent eyes and skin of fair alabaster. The two carry a singularly contradicting presence between them, as one jaunts from event to event with an unflagging energy, while the other is more reserved and subdued in voice and action.
At the forefront is Anansi, easily the louder of the two. Discernable from his more subdued brother only by the crimson webwork that marks his argent sights, manic at times to move with a sleepless energy, and yet also vacant in disposition in others. Behind him, Ararsi, typically soft-spoken, kind and gentle. The sparkling gleam of wit rests within his gaze, a trait that is shared between the brothers to some degree. Within his grasp, a book of one topic or another is oft noted amongst his person.